Veterinary Echocardiography Cushion


Designed in conjunction with specialist feedback, the Echo Equip echocardiography cushion’s protected design is made for optimal imaging and clinical diagnosis through anatomical ‘hammocking’ of the heart whilst facilitating patient compliance and operator comfort.

Top Tips

Locally produced and designed with patient, assistant, and clinician comfort in mind, the Echo Equip cushion transforms any table into an ergonomic echocardiogram station: A durable mattress and cost-effective equipment solution for the specialist, emergency, and general companion-animal practitioner.

The cushion facilitates correct patient positioning and ‘hammocks’ the heart; this allows barrier-free access to a larger and superior-quality acoustic window for transthoracic scanning.


  • Suitable for all breeds and sizes (canine and feline)
  • Scratch-resistant cover manufactured using high-grade vinyl leather
  • Storage-friendly cushion with an easy-to-clean surface
  • Proudly South African product

The Echo Equip cushion streamlines patient positioning and enables imaging excellence. Optimise the diagnostic quality of your ultrasound examination with accurate probe placement and deliver effective patient care.


  • Scan from beneath (patient in right or left lateral recumbency) and reduce off-axis or foreshortened imaging errors.
  • Build confidence in performing echocardiography and employ your microconvex probe to practice basic heart views.
  • Access the right parasternal window to assess chamber size and left ventricular systolic function.
  • Make a subjective diagnosis of severe cardiac pathology (e.g. pericardial effusion) rapidly in an emergency setting.
  • Extend the function of the cushion by using the inserts for abdominal scanning.
  • Maintain correct posture and mitigate repetitive strain injuries by choosing the Echo Equip cushion for your practice.